Libano y Jordania (2025)
Prezzo a persona da US$2,931

Libano y Jordania (2025)

Prezzo per persona
total price per person

In visita



Lingue guida

Giorno 1: Beirut
Giorno 2: Beirut
Giorno 3: Beirut
Giorno 4: Beirut
Giorno 5: Beirut
Giorno 6: Beirut, Amman
Giorno 7: Amman, Jerash, Amman
Giorno 8: Amman, Madaba, Amman
Giorno 9: Amman, Monte Nebo, Mar Morto, Giordania
Giorno 10: Mar Morto, Giordania, Shawbak, Petra
Giorno 11: Petra, Wadi Rum
Giorno 12: Wadi Rum, Aqaba
Giorno 13: Aqaba, Amman
  • Europamundo General Services: Travel by bus with Spanish speaking guide, basic travel insurance, hotel and breakfast buffet.
  • Includes arrival transfer
  • Includes departure transfer
  • City tour in: BEIRUT
  • Excursion: 4x4 vehicles, camel rides
  • Ticket admission: Fortress and Church of Saint Sergius in Ajlun, Archaeological site in Jerash;, Castle of Qasr Kharana and Castle of Qusayr Amra in Castles of the Dessert; , Church of St. George, Madaba Archaeological Park , Arqueological Site , Dead Sea Museum and Panorama Complex , Kerak castle , Moses Springs and Petra Museum , Arqueological Site , Visitor Centre, 4x4 vehicles and camel rides
  • 5 Lunch included in: JERASH, Madaba, Dead Sea, SHOUBAK, PETRA
  • 7 dinner included in: BEIRUT, BEIRUT, BEIRUT, BEIRUT, Dead Sea, PETRA, WADI RUM