نواكشوط, موريتانيا

نواكشوط, موريتانيا

فنادق رخيصة في نواكشوط

طالع جميع أماكن الإقامة

تذاكر للتمتع في نواكشوط

انظر جميع تذاكر

نواكشوط موريتانيا

Nouakchott is the capital and by far the largest city of Mauritania. It is one of the largest cities in the Sahara. The city is the administrative and economic centre of Mauritania. Five kilometers west from central Nouakchott are beaches, the fishing wharf and two seaside hotels. Head to the bustling fishing wharf 'port de peche' for a firsthand look at Mauritania's artisanal fishing industry. At evenings one can see teams of fishermen bring in the day's catch on brightly painted sea-canoes.
المطار المقترح
Nouakchott (NKC)
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