بيكس, هنغاريا

بيكس, هنغاريا

فنادق رخيصة في بيكس

طالع جميع أماكن الإقامة

تذاكر للتمتع في بيكس

انظر جميع تذاكر

بيكس هنغاريا

Pécs is the fifth largest city of Hungary, located on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains in the south-west of the country, close to its border with Croatia. It is the administrative and economical centre of Baranya county. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • Early Christian monuments. Remains of Sopianae, the Roman city in Pannonia Province, are found at several points below the inner city. The most important one is the Early Christian Necropolis, a World Heritage site dating back to the 4th century and the largest necropolis remaining in the European provinces. • The Mosque of Pasha Quasim. Located on the main square. Built on site and from the stones of Saint Berthold’s gothic church by Pasha Quasim the Victorious, the Turkish character of the church was restored during the most recent, early 1940s renovations. • The Cathedral. The Cathedral of Pécs dates back to the 11th century and the times of Peter Orseolo, second king of Hungary. Bearing the traces of the Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance periods as well as the Turkish conquest when it was partially used for storage. • Vasarely Museum: dedicated to the works of Victor Vasarely, founder of the op-art movement. • Zsolnay Museum: An exhibit on the life, times and decorative ceramics of Vilmos Zsolnay and the Zsolnay Ceramic Factory. • Television tower. Open for visitors; provides a nice panorama on the city.
المطار المقترح
Pécs-Pogány Airport (PEV)
الوجهات القريبة
  • Baranya a ٢٫٠٨ km
  • Harkány a ٢٤٫٩٩ km
  • Mohács a ٣٥٫٧٧ km
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