15 Days Southern Africa Highlights: Namibia and South Africa
ابتداء من US$4,695

15 Days Southern Africa Highlights: Namibia and South Africa

حزمة عطلة
تاريخ الإنشاء: الخميس، 2024/08/22
الرقم المرجعي: 11768719
السعر للفرد ابتداء من
تقييم/تقييمات 2 راشدونs
تاريخ الإنشاء: الخميس، 2024/08/22
الوجهات: ويندهوك, ناميبيا , Sossusvlei, ناميبيا , سواكوبموند, ناميبيا , كيب تاون, جنوب أفريقيا , جوهانسبرغ, جنوب أفريقيا

جدولك اليومي

03 نوفمبر
النقل من مومباي إلى ويندهوك
تاريخ الإقلاع
Kenya Airways
Kenya Airways Kenya Airways
2:40 ص - Mumbai, Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl (BOM)
4:55 م - Windhoek, Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH)
17ساعة 45دقيقة 2 PC 2 توقفات
KQ Kenya Airways - KQ 203
2:40 ص - Mumbai, Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl (BOM)
6:35 ص - Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta International (NBO)
نقل:  KQ203
درجة المقصورة: Economy
1ساعة 10دقيقة - تتصل في Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta International (NBO)
KQ Kenya Airways - KQ 760
7:45 ص - Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta International (NBO)
10:55 ص - Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
نقل:  KQ760
درجة المقصورة: Economy
4ساعة 5دقيقة - تتصل في Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
KQ Kenya Airways - KQ 4579
3:00 م - Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
4:55 م - Windhoek, Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH)
نقل:  KQ4579 الشركة الناقلة:  South African Airways
درجة المقصورة: Economy
03 نوفمبر
1. ويندهوك
البقاء من
عن الوجهة: ويندهوك هي عاصمة جمهورية ناميبيا وأكبر مدنها. تقع في وسط ناميبيا في منطقة هضبة خوماس هايلاند. ويندهوك هي المركز الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والسياسي والثقافي للبلاد. يقع المقر الرئيسي لكل مؤسسة وطنية ناميبية تقريبًا ، وهيئة حكومية ، ومؤسسة تعليمية وثقافية هناك. مناطق الجذب السياحي الرئيسية • برلمان ناميبيا. • معرض ناميبيا الوطني • كريستوسكيرش
03 نوفمبر
خدمة توصيل
التحويل من Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport  (WDH) إلى Avani Windhoek Hotel & Casino


فاخر (Private Premium Car) سيارة مع سائق
03 نوفمبر
06 نوفمبر
Transfer from Avani Windhoek Hotel & Casino to Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport  (WDH)


Luxury (Private Premium Car) Car with driver
06 نوفمبر
Transport from Windhoek to Sossusvlei
Airlink (SAA)
Airlink (SAA) Airlink (SAA)
7:05 AM - Windhoek, Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH)
12:25 PM - Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay Airport (WVB)
5h 20m 1 PC 1 Stop
4Z Airlink (SAA) - 4Z 329
7:05 AM - Windhoek, Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH)
9:10 AM - Cape Town, Cape Town Intl (CPT)
Transport:  4Z329
Cabin Class: Economy
1h 0m - Connection in Cape Town, Cape Town Intl (CPT)
4Z Airlink (SAA) - 4Z 341
10:10 AM - Cape Town, Cape Town Intl (CPT)
12:25 PM - Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay Airport (WVB)
Transport:  4Z341
Cabin Class: Economy
06 نوفمبر
2. Sossusvlei
About the destination: Sossusvlei is a salt flat in the central Namib desert, which is within the Namib-Naukluft National Park. Fed by the Tsauchab River, it is known for the high red sand dunes that surround it, forming an important sea of ​​sand (erg). Dead Vlei and Hidden Vlei are close to Sossusvlei.
09 نوفمبر
Transport from Sossusvlei to Swakopmund
Airlink (SAA)
South African Airways
Westair Aviation
Multiple airlines Multiple airlines
1:40 PM - Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay Airport (WVB)
12:10 PM - Swakopmund, Swakopmund Airport (SWP) Alternative airport
+2 days 46h 30m 1 PC 2 Stops
4Z Airlink (SAA) - 4Z 142
1:40 PM - Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay Airport (WVB)
3:45 PM - Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
Transport:  4Z142
Cabin Class: Economy
17h 20m - Connection in Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
SA South African Airways - SA 74
9:05 AM - Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
11:00 AM - Windhoek, Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH)
Transport:  SA74
Cabin Class: Economy
23h 0m - Connection in Windhoek, Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH)
WV Westair Aviation - WV 101
10:00 AM - Windhoek, Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH)
12:10 PM - Swakopmund, Swakopmund Airport (SWP) Alternative airport
Transport:  WV101
Cabin Class: Economy
11 نوفمبر
3. Swakopmund
About the destination: Palm-lined streets, seaside promenades, fine accommodation, a pleasant summer climate and decent beaches. Welcome to Swakopmund - Namibia's premier holiday resort! During the summer holidays and long weekends, thousands of Namibians flock to the coast, and this human migration happens for a number of reasons; Swakopmund has a real holiday feel to it and everyone wants to be there; during the December holidays, the cool Namibian coast offers relief from the intense heat of the interior; and more importantly as far as the tourist is concerned in these modern times, Swakop has changed, and has become the countries leading adrenaline destination, with a wide range of activities to suit all ages and (most) egos. The area of Namib Desert around Swakopmund is named the West Coast Recreational Area. And recreation is the towns number one draw card. There are countless pursuits to help you spend your time, and money. For those interested in adventure activities Swakopmund offers sandboarding, quad biking, dune carting, parachuting, hot air ballooning, shark fishing, deep sea fishing and beach angling to name but a few. For the more sedentary there are restaurants, cafes, art galleries, the Swakopmund Museum, a snake park and aquarium. If danger isn't your middle name, then the architecture and general feeling of Swakopmund might be more to your liking. This town has the ambiance associated with a small German village, and the town seems to be stuck in time. (Less for those who care to jump out of perfectly serviceable aircraft shouting 'Geronimo' before it lands safely.) Although in recent times the new generation have woken up to the tourist potential of the area, Swakopmund still manages to create a feeling of timelessness. Buildings and monuments of note in Swakopmund include the Hohenzollern Building, the Marine memorial, the War memorial in memory of those killed in World War 2, Princess Rupprecht House originally a military hospital now a private guest house.The Kaserne buildings originally served as a barracks and is of a similar design to the Alte Feste in Windhoek and Fort Namutoni in Etosha. The old Swakopmund Prison is still fully operational and provides budget accommodation for the criminal fraternity of the Namibian coast. The Swakopmund Railway station was completed in 1901 and now houses the Swakopmund Hotel, while the bells of the Deutsche Evangelical Church were imported from Germany. Standing close to the State House (Kaiserliches Bezirksgericht) is the Swakop Lighthouse at just over 20 meters it has been functional since 1902. The main beach area is called the Mole, and is the result of a largely unsuccessful attempt to construct the artificial harbour (as South Africa owned the only natural harbour in the area at Walvis Bay). The towns most iconic symbol is the Swakopmund jetty, initially used as mooring for ships it later became a popular are for anglers and walkers, it has fallen into disrepair on numerous occasions and has been subject to several attempts to rescue it from complete dereliction. Recently large scale work has been completed on the jetty which now proudly boasts a small restaurant and bar area. True to its German traditions early mornings and evenings in Swakopmund can be cold throughout the year, as the cold Atlantic Ocean meeting the Namib Desert creates a fog bank. This coolness is often a relief from the heat of the rest of Namibia, but does mean that Swakopmund is not the tropical sunbathing mecca that most people imagine. There is a great variety of accommodation in Swakopmund which cater for all tastes and budgets. It should be noted that these establishments will definitely need to be booked in advance especially if you are travelling in the busy December holidays. For day trippers a visit to the Cape Cross Seal Colony is worth a visit as it offers a taste of the Skeleton Coast and the seals are worth a visit. The Welwitschia drive is an interesting way to spend a few hours and introduces you to some of the fauna and flora of the Namib Desert. Bird lovers can pay a visit to the Swakopmund Salt Works or the Walvis Bay Lagoon, which in season is frequented by thousands of flamingos.
13 نوفمبر
Transport from Swakopmund to Cape Town
Airlink (SAA)
Airlink (SAA) Airlink (SAA) - 4Z349
3:45 PM - Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay Airport (WVB)
5:50 PM - Cape Town, Cape Town Intl (CPT)
2h 5m 1 PC Nonstop
Transport:  4Z349
Cabin Class: Economy
13 نوفمبر
4. Cape Town
About the destination: Cape Town is the second largest city in South Africa and is the capital of the Western Cape Province, as well as being the legislative capital of South Africa, Cape Town holds the parliament although the capital of South Africa is Pretoria. Cape Town is situated at the base of Table Mountains which is surrounded by both the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. Cape Town is a place which has everything from beautiful mountains and great beaches to scenic mountain ranges and delicious wine routes. Walk around Green market square or through the squirrel filled gardens by the SA Cultural History Museum just of the main Adderley Street. The esplanade in the shadows of the City Hall serves as a stage for political rallies as well as a market selling anything from food to clothes. The Castle of Good Hope overlooks the esplanade and it is the oldest colonial building in South Africa. One of the oldest residential areas of Cape Town, the Bo Kaap is a unique neighborhood with a strong cultural and social history. Visit Nobel Square and see a tribute to four of South Africa's Nobel Peace Prize winners. Cape Town has some of the finest beaches in Africa, all of which have the clean white beach sand particular to the Cape. Cape Town is a spectacular place with something for everyone, sun, beaches, friendly people, African culture, good food, great wine and fantastic scenery. What are you waiting for?
13 نوفمبر
Transfer from Cape Town Intl (CPT) to Old Bank Hotel - Lion Roars Hotels & Lodges


Standard (Private Standard Car) Car with driver
13 نوفمبر
3 Nights
16 نوفمبر
Transfer de Old Bank Hotel - Lion Roars Hotels & Lodges a Cape Town Intl (CPT)


Estándar (Private Standard Car) Coche con conductor
16 نوفمبر
Transporte de Ciudad del Cabo a Johannesburgo
Airlink (SAA)
Airlink (SAA) Airlink (SAA) - 4Z926
6:05 a. m. - Cape Town, Cape Town Intl (CPT)
8:10 a. m. - Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
2h 5m 1 PC Directo
Transporte:  4Z926
Clase de cabina: Economy
16 نوفمبر
5. Johannesburgo
Sobre el destino: Johannesburgo es el puerto de entrada para la mayoría de los turistas que visitan Sudáfrica y su ciudad más grande. Los visitantes por primera vez también pueden no ser conscientes de que Johannesburgo y Pretoria sólo están a 60 km de la otra, pero las dos ciudades son mundos aparte, y el contraste es fascinante. La ciudad más grande de Sudáfrica es cosmopolita, peculiar y vibrante, con su espléndido clima y gente amable. Una de las características entrañables de Johannesburgo es que es un lugar verdaderamente internacional y muy cosmopolita. Johannesburgo es inequívocamente africano con suficiente infraestructura del primer mundo para hacer turismo cómodamente. Newtown y la zona Market Theatre son el recinto cultural de la ciudad. Braamfontein, la zona universitaria, tiene un gran mercado los sábados, animada vida nocturna y es muy artístico. No te pierdas el impresionante Museo del Apartheid. El más conocido y celebrado de los municipios de Sudáfrica es Soweto, una mezcla fascinante de chabolas y viviendas formales que se encuentra a unos 30 km fuera de Johannesburgo en Gauteng. Johannesburgo ofrece un montón de cosas interesantes y a menudo extravagantes que hacer, si se está dispuesto a indagar debajo de la superficie, encontrará suficiente para ocupar felizmente unos días y proporcionar un excelente contexto para ayudarle a entender la historia turbulenta que ha hecho de Sudáfrica lo que es hoy en día.
16 نوفمبر
Transfer de Johannesburg Intl (JNB) a The Parktonian All Suite Hotel


Estándar (Private Sedan (1-3)) Sedán
  • Tiempo máximo de espera: 60 minutos
19 نوفمبر
Transfer de The Parktonian All Suite Hotel a Johannesburg Intl (JNB)


Estándar (Private Sedan (1-3)) Sedán
  • Tiempo máximo de espera: 15 minutos
19 نوفمبر
Transporte de Johannesburgo a Mumbai (Bombay)
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines Ethiopian Airlines
8:20 a. m. - Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
2:35 a. m. - Mumbai, Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl (BOM)
+1 día 14h 45m 3 PC 1 escala
ET Ethiopian Airlines - ET 848
8:20 a. m. - Johannesburg, Johannesburg Intl (JNB)
2:45 p. m. - Addis Ababa, Bole Intl (ADD)
Transporte:  ET848
Clase de cabina: Economy
4h 5m - Escala en Addis Ababa, Bole Intl (ADD)
ET Ethiopian Airlines - ET 640
6:50 p. m. - Addis Ababa, Bole Intl (ADD)
2:35 a. m. - Mumbai, Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl (BOM)
Transporte:  ET640
Clase de cabina: Economy
precio por persona Desde
En base a 2 adultos
Resumen del viaje
2 Adultos
Noches 14
Esta idea incluye
Destinos 5
Transporte 6
Alojamientos 5
Actividades 4
Transfers 6
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